January 6, 2013

How it All Began

Welcome to my blog!
I thought I would start out by telling you a little about myself and how this endeavor all started.

 Once upo....
Alright, so I'm just your typical college student trying to earn a degree so I can have a job out in the real world someday (hopefully).  I'm studying Communications and Rhetoric with a minor in Graphic Design- I know a mouthful, right?  I'm about to take the semester off from my university to do the Disney College Program in order to fulfill my internship requirement.  I have been hired as a Lifeguard and will be placed at a water park or resort.  This will be my first time lifeguarding but I have a background of about 13 years of competitive swimming.  If you’re wondering "Why the Disney College Program?", keep reading and you'll soon understand. 

For those of you who know me, you'll know that I am, what some might say, a "Disney Fanatic."  This is probably an understatement.  I was raised on Disney.  If it's Disney, you name it I grew up with it.  This is mainly because my mom is really into Disney as well, though in my opinion, I've got her beat.  I basically get more excited over something Disney related than the average four year old. 

My all time favorite Disney movie would have to be "Mary Poppins".  This has been my favorite since, well, as long as I could watch movies.  I had it on VHS when I was little and I would literally watch it all day long.  I'm pretty sure I wore out the tape (it's a good thing DVDs were invented).  Anyway I still love this movie.  The music, the dancing, the story, everything.  Tell me it wouldn't be "totally wicked" to jump into a chalk drawing with the one and only Mary Poppins!

 When my family would go on vacation, it would always be to Disney World.  Every year we would make a trip down to see Mickey and all his friends.  I have been to Disney World about 15 times in my lifetime and Disneyland once.  I was at Disney when the Animal Kingdom opened.  I was there when Cinderella's Castle was decorated like a giant birthday cake for the 15th anniversary of the Magic Kingdom.  Now I'm about to be there for five months during the "Year of the Ear" and I am beyond excited. 

As you can probably tell, the Disney College Program is something I just have to do.  It has been a dream of mine to be a part of the magic and do the program since middle school.  I am proud to say that my dream is definitely about to come true. 

Walt Disney once said, "If you can dream it, you can do it."  This, I consider to be my motto.  I truly believe in this.  You can't let anything stop you from going after your dreams.  Once you put your heart into something anything is possible.  You can't be afraid to be passionate about something even if others may think otherwise.  Trust me, if I had let others get to me about the little things, I would not be doing this right now.  Disney can bring up a lot of controversy and opinions just like most things in life.  But you just have to live your life for you.  Now go out and live your dream!

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